Welcome to LOOSTOKENS!

Symbol: LOOS

Total Supply: 210,000,000

TOKEN CONTRACT : 0x1a1C1a6AC01581A97047Cc28687738bA8EaD8FE4


LOOSTOKENS ($LOOS) is a community-driven, a play-to-earn cryptocurrency project built on the Ethereum (ETH). Our primary focus is on community building, game play and decentralized finance (DeFi) utilities. We believe in the power of collective action and the potential of blockchain technology to foster positive social change.

The purpose of LOOSTOKENS is to create a fun, engaging, and rewarding platform that brings together the cryptocurrency community and game players worldwide. We prioritize the creation of a supportive and engaged community. We believe that our strength lies in our numbers and the shared passion of our members.

As we continue to expand and evolve, we are dedicated to providing educational resources, updates, and support to our community. We strive to empower our users with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrencies, making LOOSTOKENS a trusted destination for both newcomers and seasoned investors.

Join us on this extraordinary journey into the LOOSTOKENS, where imagination meets financial opportunity. Let us embark together on a path that combines the best of both worlds, where the fantastical becomes tangible and where dreams turn into reality.


Stage 1

Social Media Setup

- Website Creation

- Uniswap Launch

1,000+ Holders

Stage 2

- First CEX Listings

CMC Listing

- CoinGecko Listing

- Launch MiniGames

10,000+ Holders

Stage 3

- Multiple CEX Listings

- Launch Full Game

50,000+ Holders